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Will the emperor hegemon outlaw manage to violate the CRBV to preside over the CNE?

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos. 09/26/2019 Respectful readers and readers. This humble and ultra-unknown opinioner, celebrates that an important part of the right-wing and pseudo-leftist opposition with a delayed but timely nationalist sentiment, they understand...

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¿El emperador hegemon forajido logrará violar la CRBV para presidir al CNE?

Por: Freddy Marcial Ramos. 26/09/2019 Respetables lectoras y lectores. Este humilde y ultra desconocido opinador, celebra que una parte importante de la oposición derechista y seudo izquierdista con retardado pero oportuno sentimiento nacionalista, hallan...

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Detracción ideológica, xenofobia inducida y apocalipsis capitalista.

Por: Freddy Marcial Ramos. 19/09/2019 Respetables lectoras y lectores. A mi muy escaso conocimiento de las realidades generadas por el comportamiento humano; como siempre he manifestado que no soy especialista en: Politología, economía, sociología, antropología...

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Brief historical overview of the criminal bourgeois behavior godo of uribism - Duke pro Yankee.

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos. 09/09/2019 Respectable readers and readers. The historic events concerning the conspiracy attitudes carried out by the Colombian presidential rulers who are members or protected by the oligarchy Goda santandereana, are old-fashioned,...

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The bow of the Dangerous Angels was released

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos 09/06/2019 A photo published by Juan Torres reflects the way in which the Colombian police and the army of that FORAJIDO country disrespect the Fundamental Human Rights of their fellow citizens; therefore the member countries...

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