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Brief historical overview of the criminal bourgeois behavior godo of uribism - Duke pro Yankee.

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos. 09/09/2019 Respectable readers and readers. The historic events concerning the conspiracy attitudes carried out by the Colombian presidential rulers who are members or protected by the oligarchy Goda santandereana, are old-fashioned,...

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The bow of the Dangerous Angels was released

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos 09/06/2019 A photo published by Juan Torres reflects the way in which the Colombian police and the army of that FORAJIDO country disrespect the Fundamental Human Rights of their fellow citizens; therefore the member countries...

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La Burguesía colombiana cipaya del Gob. Imperial de EUA obliga el desafortunado resurgir de las FARC-EP.

Por: Freddy Marcial Ramos 30/06/2019 Respetables lectoras y lectores. La interminable “Guerra civil simulada colombiana”, continua transitando el fatídico camino de la constante violación de los Derechos Humanos fundamentales del humilde pueblo hermano...

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Sovereignty, independence and outlaw imperialist capitalist behavior.

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos 08/29/2019 Respectful readers and readers. It is really impressive and very worrying what happens today in a good part of the countries that exist in the current socio-productive world, at the political, legal, social, economic,...

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La destructora guerra económica endógena en Venezuela.

Por: Freddy Marcial Ramos. 18/08/19 Respetables lectoras y lectores. Lo que está ocurriendo económicamente en el seno de las familias que integran a la sociedad económicamente vulnerable venezolanas, fundamentalmente en los grupos familiares que tienen...

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The destructive endogenous economic war in Venezuela.

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos. 08/17/19 Respectful readers and readers. What is happening economically within the families that integrate Venezuelan economically vulnerable society, mainly in family groups that have economic income on the piece or families...

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In the USA, the war dogs criminal Falcons rule, the head of state is a "puppet".

By: Freddy Marcial Ramos. Respectful readers and readers Since the so-called "President of the USA" Dr. Barak Obama and now Donal Trump, pressed by the powerful ultra-right business lobby "Warrior Falcon" and his representatives in the Congress of that...

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El bloqueo naval imperial y la cayapa capitalista mundial contra la revolucionaria República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Por: Freddy Marcial Ramos 07/08/19 Respetables lectoras y lectores Es realmente inadmisible e inaceptable para un buen patriota, independientemente de su ideología política, tolerar, cooperar o admitir satisfactoriamente, el comportamiento omnipotente,...

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Por qué de la Constituyente, para la reforma constitucional venezolana.

Por: Freddy Marcial Ramos 13/05/17 Republicado el 25/07/2019 Respetables lectoras y lectores. Al analizar el contenido de varios capítulos, títulos y artículos de nuestra Carta Magna, la CRBV, una vez transcurridos 18 años de su aprobación mediante referendo...

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Propuestas del Poder Popular para la reforma de la CRBV - Parte (III)

Donde dice: Artículo 71. Las materias de especial trascendencia nacional podrán ser sometidas a referendo consultivo por iniciativa del Presidente o Presidenta de la República en Consejo de Ministros; por acuerdo de la Asamblea Nacional, aprobado por...

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